Forget “raindrops on roses” (although we’re fairly gung-ho on whiskered kittens), our “favorite things” for this holiday season is a serious don’t miss list.
We want to help you be as healthy and happy as possible through the menopause transition and beyond, so all our choices reflect our commitment to your wellbeing. This list has been carefully vetted to be sure you’re getting the best gifts (or giving the best, or giving and keeping one of the best for yourself, we don’t judge).
We don’t receive any compensation for including these products and organizations on our list. We just really like them and want to share these spectacular menopause gifts.
Making exercise easy with Excy
Excy removes a lot of the barriers to exercise (gyms, traffic, parking, time) that make it hard to commit. The device is compact, portable, multi-functional, and fun. You can use it in the comfort of your own home, you can take it with you when you travel, and you can get a full-body workout to improve muscle mass, put some healthy stress on your bones, and strengthen your core to improve your balance – all critical for women in midlife and menopause. Check out founder and CEO Michele Mehl’s how-to videos to get the most from your Excy. (BONUS: Use code "Gennev" to save an additional $50 on top of Excy's existing holiday sale!)

Massage oils & no-touch dispenser from Pulse
Want a really great holiday gift? We suggest you take a look at Pulse: we love the warming device that dispenses just the right amount of massage oil. One dispenser, a set of four Spoil Me pods, and a “coupon book” of your own design, and your special someone will have a very happy holiday season indeed. Or you can show that special someone this blog and hope they get the hint… The luxurious massage oil can also be purchased in a six-pack and used manually, without the dispenser.

Skincare from Teadora
This company makes our list every year because not only are their products rich, luxurious, and effective, Teadora is completely committed to creating sustainable products. Their high-quality, fair-trade ingredients are organic, natural, and responsibly sourced. We love the Brazilian Superfruit Power Oil because its healing properties are great for mature skin. And it’s 100 percent fragrance-free, meaning the spicy, woodsy smell is totally natural to the plant the oil comes from.

Your gray matter matters
If you’ve cruised our blog much, you’ll know we’re huge fans of this doc: neuroscientist, neuro-nutritionist, and author Dr. Lisa Mosconi. She’s spoken with our Gennev community several times, and every time we take away even more information on how to act now to protect our brains for the long haul. A researcher in the intersection of Alzheimer’s, estrogen, and menopause, she’s got some startling statistics (women account for 2/3 of Alzheimer’s diagnoses) and some truly great suggestions for mitigating your risk. We can’t recommend her book, Brain Food: the Surprising Science of Eating for Cognitive Power, highly enough.

Feel so much better
Body aches, headaches, hot flashes? Get some real relief with Sagely Naturals. This company has truly harnessed the healing power of hemp – without the high. CBD, a natural compound from hemp, goes right to the site of your poor, irritated nerve receptors, helping your body react better to pain signals. And for women dealing with menopause symptoms, quicker, more effective relief from pain is such a gift! We particularly like their Relief & Recovery Headache Roll-On, the Relief & Recovery Cream for whatever else ails you (as aging runners, we’re a huge fan of the joint and muscle pain relief!), and the cooling properties of the Relief & Recovery Spray. Yes, because the products are made with CBD, not THC, you can ship Sagely products all over the US, regardless of the destination state’s marijuana laws.

Make health part of your daily ritual
Try as we might to eat a healthy, balanced diet, chances are we may be missing a nutrient here and there. Fortunately, there’s Ritual. They’ve done their homework on what women really need – and what they’re likely to lack – and filled the gap. Beautifully. Their clear vitamins are obsessively researched for the cleanest, healthiest ingredients to help us have healthier hearts, immune systems, bones, brains, and more. If you’re taking a handful of supplements every day, you’re probably getting more than you need of some things and not enough of others. Check out Ritual for a more balanced, scientific approach.

Enjoy the sun safely
Here in Seattle, especially in winter, if the sun pokes its head out, we’re out the door to soak it up while it lasts. Sunlight is a great and glorious thing: it’s the best source of vitamin D, a natural anti-depressant; it’s healing and good for your bones, but we also know too much sunlight can damage your skin to dangerous levels. So get your sun on, then get back inside and sunscreen up: Gennev CEO Jill really likes EltaMD UV Clear Broad-Spectrum SPF 46. Developed for sensitive skin, it’s great for daily use for anyone prone to skin issues and really great for women over 40.

Give the gift of greater opportunities
Looking for a way to give back with your giving? The non-profit Global Women 4 Wellbeing (GW4W) is pretty much exactly what the title indicates: a global effort to promote the well being of women, their families, and their communities. GW4W supports research and initiatives that make education more accessible, train workplaces to be more diverse and inclusive, and draw attention to women’s issues worldwide, and that can make a better world for everyone. Gennev CEO Jill Angelo is a founding member of GW4W, and we’re proud to support their efforts.

What gifts are you giving or hoping for this holiday season? We’d love to know what’s on your list, so please comment here, find us on Facebook or in Midlife & Menopause Solutions, our Facebook group. You can also join us, anonymously, if you prefer, on our community forums.